Thursday 9 June 2011

Terrence McNamara Launches New Direction for Accounting Software

Terrence McNamara, accounting software designer, announced the release of the first cloud based accounting software.  Designed for ease of use iEasy will take away the burden of double entry accounting from the small business person and the control conscious householder.
Designed for ease of use the software is universally applicable, something that adds to its appeal and to the simplicity of the design.  It handles, however, all of the key business management functions without asking the business owner to do an accounting course.
To date business owners and managers, and control conscience householders, have had to waste hours to get control of the administration task using double entry accounting, only to have their accountant have to redo it all because they didn’t know enough about how it should be done.  And let’s face it who does or for that matter wants to use double entry accounting if there is a better way.
Double entry accounting is an age old approach used by accountants using ledgers.  iEasy has discovered an equally accurate methodology that does not require the user to create a ledger.
Go to for a look at the system.